Student Health

The school health office is served by a Registered Nurse and a Health Technician. Students who are in need of first aid and/or medical attention can obtain a nurse's pass to visit the nurse's office.

Children should not attend school if they have the following:

Temperature greater than 100 degrees orally. Students should be free of fever without over the counter medication for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school after illness. Illness and can't participate in normal school activities whether or not a fever is present. Persistent vomiting or diarrhea. Students may return after symptoms have stopped at least 24 hours.Contagious disease (i.e., strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, hepatitis). Students must see their doctor immediately and obtain the appropriate medication. Please make the school nurse aware of any contagious illness so that she may alert the parents of children in your child's class of possible warning signs. Rash until the rash is gone or it has been determined to be non-contagious by a physician. Medical procedure requiring general anesthesia (must be at least 24 hours after anesthesia, and have a medical release to attend school with P.E. recommendations).

Parents of students who are ill or absent for any reason should notify the school at 619-344-5900. When a child is absent due to illness, parents may request homework be sent home or be available for pickup at the end of the school day.


The problem of head lice (pediculosis) is ongoing and can be time consuming. Even though head lice are not a threat to health, they are a frustrating nuisance. Prompt treatment of student(s) with a positive diagnosis of head lice ensures minimal disruption of their educational program.


When a student is initially identified as having live head lice, the student is to be excluded from school at the end of the school day for treatment.


After treatment at home, it's mandatory to return to school the next day via the health office, for inspection. Parents must be notified that students who return to school with live lice will be sent home. As such, parents are advised to accompany their child to school. Upon checking the head, if live lice are found, the child returns home with parent for treatment. If child has been treated and there are no live lice, the child may return to class. We encourage the removal of nits but child can return to class if they have been treated, even though nits are still present.

Recurrent Re-infestations

If a child has untreated or recurrent infestations, then the nurse and parent must work together to find the likely source of re-infestation and solve that problem by:

1.Education of parent using written materials and verbal instructions.

2.Referral to child's primary care doctor regarding pediculocide resistance.

3.Mechanical (manual) removal of all nits, although time consuming, is essential.

4.Assistance of community agencies or social service agencies, if appropriate, for assistance with infestation management.

5.Mass screening (school-wide or whole classrooms) is not an evidence-based practice in controlling head lice infestation/ re-infestations. It is the responsibility of the parent to treat head lice infestation. Key to success in controlling head lice, with small chance of recurrence, is in the removal of all nits after the use of the pediculocide. Although students are allowed back to class with any reportedly treated hair when there are no live lice, encourage parents to continue removing nits until the problem is resolved.

For questions or more information, contact the school-site nurse at 619-344-5900.


The San Diego City School District has new guidelines regarding administration of medication to students.

Medications require a signed Physician Medication Authorization Form:

  • This includes all Over the Counter (OTC) Medication i.e. Tylenol, Advil, Motrin. OTC includes but is not limited to Benadryl, Robutussin to be given on days School Nurse is not on site.

  • Prescription medications for severe asthma/severe allergies (periodic and daily) must be brought to the school nurse/health office with physician's orders during the first week of school.

  • Daily Medication

  • Short-term medication for 10 days i.e. antibiotics

  • All prescription skin creams

  • Nutritional supplements

Emergency Contacts/Numbers

At all times, your child's records must have a CURRENT telephone number of a person to call if we cannot reach you. This is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for your child's welfare in the event that he/she becomes seriously ill or injured at school (Education Code Section 48408). Please update the school office when you change/add telephone numbers, addresses, emergency contact, etc

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